Part E Sound Insulation Design & Testing
We offer sound insulation design services for Part E of the UK Government Building Regulations. Providing multiple levels of service from a small-scale proposed construction detail review to a full sound insulation design report with bespoke details. We aim to ensure the soundproofing between your dwellings meets the required standard outlined in Approved Document E. We also offer a UKAS Accredited sound insulation testing service through our partner companies. Enquire now for more information or visit our Information blog to find out more.
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What are the Building Regulations Approved Document E Sound Insulation Criteria?
The Building Regulations Part E have sound insulation criteria which vary depending on the type of development or building usage. There are also criteria for airborne sound transmission and impact sound transmission. The general criteria for new build and converted buildings are as follows:
Purpose Built Dwellings
≥ 45 dB Dnt,w+ctr Airborne Sound Insulation
≥ 45 dB Dnt,w+ctr Airborne Sound Insulation
≤ 62 dB Lnt,w Impact Sound Insulation
Dwellings Formed by Material Change of Use
≥ 43 dB Dnt,w+ctr Airborne Sound Insulation
≥ 43 dB Dnt,w+ctr Airborne Sound Insulation
≤ 64 dB Lnt,w Impact Sound Insulation