Workplace Noise Risk Assessments
The Control of Noise at Work Regulations came into force the on 6th of April 2006. Since this date, all employers are legally required to ensure their employees are not exposed to excessive noise. Where noisy working environments are unavoidable Workplace Noise Risk Assessments are required to assess compliance with the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
Infinity Acoustics Ltd can undertake specialist Workplace Noise Risk Assessments to ensure that your employees aren’t exposed to excessive noise. We use data collected at your workplace to enable a detailed and accurate assessment of your employee’s hearing protection needs. Where required we also offer a service of internal workplace design to reduce noise levels across the works place and enable less reliance on hearing protections. For more detail on the workplace noise assessments we can provide or to talk to a consultant enquire now.
What are the Noise at Work Regulations Noise Criteria and Action Values?
The Control of Noise at Work criteria is based on daily or weekly noise exposure levels the acoustic parameter for noise is LEP,d. Once the exposure of an employee has been calculated or measured it should then be compared to the action values and limit values outlined in the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. These are as follows:
The lower exposure action values (LEAV) are:
- A daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 80 dB (A-weighted); and
- A peak sound pressure of 135 dB (C-weighted).
The upper exposure action values (UEAV) are:
- A daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 85 dB (A-weighted); and
- A peak sound pressure of 137 dB (C-weighted).
The exposure limit values (ELV) are:
- A daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 87 dB (A-weighted); and
- A peak sound pressure of 140 dB (C-weighted)